High School-College Age
At Grace Church, we value the younger generations. We don't see them as needing to be entertained...we see them as capable of serving Christ through teaching, helping with tech, serving on a ministry team, serving in the nursery, etc.
We believe young adults are not only capable...they are willing and anxious to be part of the life of the church.
We even have combined young adult and older adult Sunday School classes. We figure if young adults can learn things in school like calculus, advanced biology, AP English, and chemistry, they can learn the Bible, too. We don't have to bottom-shelf God's Word for young adults these days :-)
Our young adults also enjoy monthly Young Adult Fellowships. It may be a game night, boat ride, the state fair, or just hanging out at Harvest Market--but the fun is just being together.
If you have any questions about our Young Adult Ministry at Grace, you can contact Pastor Dave any time at dave.gracechurch@gmail.com